n The business model that Wikipedia, Survey Monkey, Quora and others have followed needs changing. With the advent of token-backed platforms, there is a whole new realm of possibilities for the knowledge-sharing space. SPONSOREDn
n Many traders are finding that the technological advances or even basic trading needs found on traditional investment exchanges are utterly lacking on crypto exchanges.What are the problems and challenges of existing crypto markets OP-EDn
n December 2017 will go down as a Bitcoin Christmas, with price surging from $9,000 to $20,000 in just three weeks, then dropping by nearly 50 in a few days. ANALYSISn
n A Netherlands-based company has pioneered a way to harvest energy from body heat to power cryptocurrency-mining computers - but is it really worth it MININGn
n As BitPay implements and retracts an update to the minimum payment size on its platform over the span of just two days, users are frustrated over the lack of SegWit support.n